TRIVIA: 21 days ago there was a football game that didn't end exactly the way some people here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest had hoped. Dice might have been one of them. Then, yesterday, there was another football game that didn't end exactly the way most people here in the suddenly rainy and depressing northwestern corner of the country wanted. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one suffering from sports-related depression. Dice has self-diagnosed his depression as Sports Fan Depression and I'm pretty sure it's a real thing too, I read about it on the Internet. I'm also pretty sure SFD and Trivia Fan Depression (TFD) are related. Dice's TFD flares up whenever he doesn't get to host, but Trivia fans can get TFD for all kinds reasons. Common TFD triggers include: not playing enough trivia, losing at trivia, wrong answers, and right answers that get crossed off for wrong answers. I almost forgot the most common TFD trigger, theme rounds.
Do you or someone you know suffer from SFD/TFD? Symptoms can include loss, anger, sadness, even the inability to focus on work. Maybe you recognize yourself or someone you know in this video that so perfectly captures how it feels to have SFD/TFD.
F Your I...Occasional language, but Dice says the
F-word means something totally different in Toronto.
That got ugly for Toronto fast. When watching my team find a way to lose, I typically look like #17 there in front. As this guy calls it, "The Catatonic Fan." I have found that reaction to be the best when my team loses, especially at Trivia. Dice figures that if Cameron can go catatonic and see Sloan changing clothes, it's probably the best way to deal with grief. Don't be fooled, however, Dice has been just about every one of those fans, from 2(former), 5-7, 12, 13, and 15-20. Don't be a #1 fan. Punching things is just dumb.
TUNES: Opening the show with the Greenskeepers' "Lotion" isn't recommended for every venue, but at Malone's anything goes. Bowling for Soup's "Choke" might have helped a couple teams find Greg Norman. "Trapped in a Box" from No Doubt, dada's "Dizz Knee Land," Tripping Daisy's "Pirahna" each tried to drag our teams back to the 1990's. Young the Giant, Bleachers, and Maroon 5 saw to it that we didn't stay there.
Dice's favorites of the night "Lotion," and possibly the greatest question-song pairing ever "You'll Have Time" by William Shatner.
TEAMS: Tacking on a little mental workout after their actual workout, TEAM 365 (78) showed Malone's the benefit of exercise on the brain and mood. POOP CHUTE RIOT (69) knows a solid (score) when it sees one. BJ'S REPTILLIAN BRAND (65) went for the tie, but came up a couple points short. MY DRINKING TEAM HAS A TRIVIA PROBLEM (63) hoped a couple other teams would stumble at the finish line. SPARKLY KITTY CATS (56) used up seven of their nine lives on the final wager, but find Dice's tunes to be inspirational.
Have a great week Trivia teams! See you next Monday at Malone's!
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