12.16.14 Cider Mill
TEAMS: Christmas is a mere 9 days away and we still find a way to pack the house at the Cider Mill. GOAL DIGGERS (84) wins in extra time tonight, scoring points from Appalacia to Malibu to take home the $30 gift certificate! TRIGGER HAPPY BUNNIES (84) had victory within it's furry little paws, but fired randomly on the final question and missed the tie-breaker by a hare. Joining forces and surprising everyone, including themselves, TIMBERBLAZERS (75) used a perfect final question to steal the final gift certificate from the short-handed SPOOKY SKELLIES (73) and Cider Mill favs CHIMP N' IT (66). For VAN DE GRAF & THE GENERATORS and THERE'S A MOLE IN THE CIA, being on the wrong end of a 30-point swing in the final round can be heartbreaking, but each played brilliant contests throughout and scored some sweet swag prizes in consolation.
TRIVIA: As a host, one of my least favorite Trivia situations is when someone comes up clearly ready to argue about a particular answer. This is uncomfortable for several reasons, but mostly because I take pride in doing some background research on questions that I don't know or suspect might cause some potential dispute. Tonight's halftime question didn't earn any condemnation from any of the teams or players, but rather a grizzled Veteran of the Korean War that pointed out that Lee Harvey Oswald had never been proven or found guilty in a court of law of assassinating JFK. He certainly has a point, although from the whiskey on his breath, I suspect the conversation was going to spin wildly out of control faster than his clearly modified Rascal scooter, so I just turned up the music.
Funny thing is, he's right enough about Oswald, but he shouldn't have stopped there. Although the identity of Lincoln's killer John Wilkes Booth is never argued; like Oswald, Booth never had his fate decided by a jury of his peers as he was fatally shot twelve days after Lincoln's assassination inside the burning barn where he and his conspirators were holed up.
Our other successful assassinators, Charles Guiteau (Garfield) and Leon Czolgosz (McKinley) were each convicted and executed for their crimes. Guiteau famously danced his way to the gallows and Czolgosz was tried, convicted, and executed within 45 days of the passing of McKinley.
TUNES: Dice's Trivia-mas Spectacular is in full swing this week. The Enchanters' 1957 song "Mambo Santa Mambo" and The Moonglows' 1953 cut "Hey Santa Clause" had everyone grooving. New songs "Just Another Christmas Song" by Stephen Colbert and Saturday Night Live's "Sump'n Claus" are soon to be classics for all. Several Christmas parodies by Bob Rivers should make the holidays a little more enjoyable and his song "Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire," should make the next time you have to hear anything by the Chipmunks a little less annoying.
Enjoy the links and the knowledge! See you next week at the Cider Mill!
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